Can Virtual Classroom Really Facilitate Learning?   

Can Virtual Classroom Really Facilitate Learning?   

Virtual classroom was such a novel term for most people until recently. Some tutors were even reluctant to try it. They were not familiar with it, But mostly, that’s because, in comparison to normal in-classroom teaching, virtual classrooms facilitate learning and have benefits that didn’t outweigh the former’s positives.

The reason for this was because the technology of virtual learning was purely basic, at the time. However, with the advancement of education technology, more and more educators are starting to turn to it. Therefore, in this blog post, let’s discover some of the best elements virtual classrooms can offer to facilitate learning.

Elements that Help Facilitate Learning during virtual classroom



Video Streaming

Live video streaming is one of the first features that revolutionized online courses. Live tutoring sessions change everything we know about education. They take your teaching class to a whole new level of professionalism.

In order to facilitate learning, online tutors can now enable their learners to reach them anytime and from anywhere possible in the whole world. You can be a tutor in Egypt, e.g., teaching web development classes to students from different countries at the same time: students from China, for example, the USA, or the KSA.

This means that your students can get all the information they need from you in real-time. This makes your virtual classroom highly engaging, fun, interesting, and fruitful.

In addition, a virtual classroom really facilitates learning in so many other ways. You can record your live sessions to have your own database of how each and every student interacted with.

 “Adding synchronous components (virtual classroom technologies) to online courses can facilitate interaction,”

say, Florence Martin, Michele A. Parker, and Deborah F. Deale, The University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA

This is also an excellent way for you to have a record of what questions were raised by students group A and were not asked by students group B at each point in the lesson.

Having such a record provides you with the perfect means to get back to it at any point in time, analyze it, compare it with other records, and work on your lessons and update them.


 Security role in the virtual classroom

Your virtual classroom security is of the utmost importance. With the rise of cyberattacks, controlling access to online content is something everyone should be concerned with, especially those working in the education field and managing virtual classrooms in order to facilitate learning

It’s no longer enough to only have passwords for system users. Now, virtual classroom platform designers offer users many other security services.

You can now disable file sharing for all users, for example. That means that all access control is in the hands of the tutor. They get to share their resources with the users they choose.

They also get to control who is allowed to speak during class and who isn’t by muting all devices or giving access to one only when allowed to facilitate learning.

On the other hand, the security of a virtual classroom also entails the copyrights and data security of the tutor’s knowledge and lessons.



Having everyone’s information protected helps you deliver quality learning. It helps avoid incidents caused by internet trolls and having online courses or hijacked anytime, like in the video above.

The incident mentioned in the video, among many others that occurred in the past few months during COVID-19 quarantine, was one of the reasons several educational organizations started banning the use of such online video conferencing apps.

They are simply not designed for teaching or learning and are not secure enough “due to instances of hacking that created unsafe eStorkyApp environments for teachers and students”.

This is one of the reasons many online trainers and tutors choose as their teaching app of choice. It provides state-of-the-art, high-level protection to make absolutely sure no screen record software is working during class. This helps you provide your learner with an environment they can feel safe and be creative in.


 On-the-Go Mobile Learning that facilitates learning


With mobile devices being a great part of our lives, many began to turn to them for education to facilitate learning, as well. With this in mind, the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education issued a report in 2010 called “Mobile Learning for Quality Education and Social Inclusion.”

facilitate learning with mobile

The report shared some of the benefits that facilitate learning and challenges of mobile learning offers for educators, trainers, and tutors.

One of the challenges discussed was that “Educational establishments face the challenge of persuading educators that mobile technology is a serious option for education rather than a gimmick. Established educators resent the loss of control implied by mobile learning activities that are learner-led and take place outside the classroom.”

That’s why some of the best virtual classrooms nowadays provide trainers with a variety of class management tools that help them control and drive a better virtual session.

StorkyApp is an integrated distance learning platform, where you can easily manage your courses, attendees, material, quizzes, and examinations. It is powered by a virtual classroom including all the toolset you need for an interactive unforgettable class. Try the virtual classroom now.